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How To Rescue Projects That Are Hurting Your Business Bottom Line
How To Rescue Projects That Are Hurting Your Business Bottom Line
… Even If It Seems Too Late!
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How To Rescue Projects That Are Hurting Your Business Bottom Line
… Even If It Seems Too Late!
How To Rescue Projects That Are Hurting Your Business Bottom Line
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In This Strategic Video Training, You Will Discover:
  • ​How to rescue ANY project that’s in trouble… even financially.
  • ​The strategy that WORKS on any project – any size, scope, or phase.
  • ​The reason why projects go off course and what you can do about it that’s in your control.
  • ​How to implement this strategy in your business… with the project management tools and systems you already have.
  • ​How to avoid troubled projects in the future to protect your bottom line.
  • ​The ONE thing that can save your project budget AND build your client relationships at the same time.
  • ​How to get your Project Managers and teams to use this strategy consistently across your project portfolio.
  • ​How to avoid the stress, chaos, and disruption of a troubled project… and its effect on you and your team!
Project Leadership Strategies

Get Our Method To Develop The Project Leadership Inside Your Project-Based Business... Inside Everyday Project Work!

Jennifer Glatz, P.Eng., PMP is the founder of The Project Leader Development Method® that helps project-based businesses develop their project talent and build thriving team cultures!
Jennifer Glatz, P.Eng., PMP
Jennifer Glatz, P.Eng, PMP
Hi, I’m Jennifer Glatz - I'm a mechanical engineer, project management professional, and entrepreneur, and I help project-based business leaders elevate the project leadership skills in their organizations.

Let’s face it: project delivery is demanding. It can sometimes be difficult, if not seemingly impossible, to fit training, development, and coaching into our people's hectic schedules.

Business Leaders come to me for solutions on how to elevate the project leadership skills in their organization - without the training time commitment of traditional leadership programs.

One of the biggest worries for business leaders is when a project goes off course and jeopardizes their bottom line. But with this masterclass, you can rescue any project in your portfolio, even financially, and avoid troubled projects in the future!

I invite you to access my free masterclass, learn my strategy, and implement it inside your business. It's time to avoid the stress and choas of troubled projects... for good. 

To Your Project Success!

Jennifer Glatz, P.Eng., PMP
Founder | Project Leadership Coach |
Certified Talent Optimization Consultant

Hi, I’m Jennifer Glatz - I'm a mechanical engineer, project management professional, and entrepreneur, and I help project-based business leaders elevate the project leadership skills in their organizations.

Let’s face it: project delivery is demanding. It can sometimes be difficult, if not seemingly impossible, to fit training, development, and coaching into our people's hectic schedules.

Business Leaders come to me for solutions on how to elevate the project leadership skills in their organization - without the training time commitment of traditional leadership programs.

One of the biggest worries for business leaders is when a project goes off course and jeopardizes their bottom line. But with this masterclass, you can rescue any project in your portfolio, even financially, and avoid troubled projects in the future!

I invite you to access my free masterclass, learn my strategy, and implement it inside your business. It's time to avoid the stress and choas of troubled projects... for good.

To Your Project Success!

Jennifer Glatz, P.Eng., PMP
Founder | Project Leadership Coach |
Certified Talent Optimization Consultant

"The performance of our team increased and they are more clear about the responsibilities and are accountable for their performance."

Amir, CEO

"Jennifer is a great listener and her coaching sessions are tailored to the areas where you need development."

Lavern, Project Leader & Business Owner

"We had Jennifer facilitate a strategic planning week with 28 of our core staff ranging in job titles from site admins to director level. We will head into 2024 with more aligned objectives & visibility thanks to Jennifer."

Tyler, Director of Operations
Rescuing a troubled project... even financially... is just one strategy away!
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